Implementing Your Game Changers

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

So you’ve figured out your ‘game-changers’ for the year, but have you created your implementation plan? Most people can readily tell you what big capacity building projects are important to take their business to the next level, but the harder part of course, is getting them implemented!

Part of the reason ‘game-changers’ can be hard to implement, is because they are usually not something that is standing in the way of the day-to-day business getting done. Game-changers by definition are a project that usually spans several months and has several steps or sub-projects that must be completed.

The key to getting game-changers implemented is to create a timeline that breaks apart the larger initiative into smaller, incremental deadlines. Once that timeline is created, the key is to maintain a tracking system for monitoring the timeline. The goal is to keep it front and center so you’re reminded on a regular basis of what & when you committed to doing each step of the way. A good practice is to revisit your timeline either weekly or monthly depending on the length of the overall project. Ideally this practice is part of your organization’s monthly management meeting so everyone on the team is helping each other create focus and move their game-changers to completion.