The Future's So Bright…?


Welcome to the second quarter of 2021 where vaccines are becoming plentiful, going out to eat is a thing again, and families are planning special events! If our extended family is any indication, we’re heading into a welcome reprieve from the “that-which-shall-not-be-named” winter, as we’ll be celebrating four new babies, three weddings and an (in-person) college graduation!

If you’re feeling optimistic about life and business, you’re not alone. A first quarter study by JPMorgan Chase found that the majority of small and midsize businesses are optimistic despite continuing uncertainty. In fact, 77% of midsize companies and 63% of small businesses remain optimistic about the year ahead even as they continue to face impacts of the global pandemic. (You can read more about all that here.)

These companies report that their willingness to shift focus and adopt new practices (especially digital practices) are the most important elements of increasing sales. I talk about this flexibility in the planning process in the articles which follow.

All this to say, I hope that your organization is approaching this next quarter optimistically! I would love to hear how your year is going and how you’re approaching your short and mid-range planning…drop me a note if you’d like to get together!

Read my full April newsletter here.